La marca Handel nace de un proyecto universitario
en el año 2008 cuyo propósito era la de coordinar
unas exportaciones desde Colombia a Alemania en
un comercio abierto y franco, allí se obtuvo asesoría
directa de colegas alémanes y unas pruebas piloto
exitosas que derivaron en la constitución de la marca.
Handel significa comercio en alemán, por tal razón nos
enfocamos precisamente en comercio internacional
y Logística.
En nuesto camino recibimos Asesorías directas de
Colegas Alémanes y donde logramos realizar
pruebas piloto exitosas.
Una vez conseguimos nuestros primeros logros y nuestros primeros
pasos se afianzaron realizamos la Constitución de la marca.
Handel = Comercio.
La marca tuvo varios cambios en
su camino y se desarrolló bajo:
Handel Agency Group Inc.
Handel Inc.
Hag International.
Luego de miles de retos y victorias conseguidas,
la evolución de la marca se completa y nos convertimos en
Y es así como fuimos fundados por
Julio Cesar Baquero
Economista y técnico en comercio
internacional, con presencia en
Estados Unidos, Panamá y varios países.
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our story
Our Story
The Handel brand was born from a university project in 2008 whose purpose was to coordinate exports from Colombia to Germany in an open and frank trade environment. Direct advice was obtained from German colleagues and successful pilot tests were conducted, which led to the establishment of the brand.
"Handel" means "trade" in German, which is why we focus precisely on international trade and logistics. Over the years, the brand has developed under Handel Agency Group, Handel Inc., HAG International, and finally, three years ago, the complete evolution to HANDEL CORPORATION S.A.S.
The company was founded by Julio César Baquero, an economist and international trade technician, and currently has a direct presence in the United States, Panama, and soon in several countries around the world. We are poised to become an NVOCC and a WCA MEMBER network.

Our mission
Our mission is to grow continuously, internally by training ourselves, innovating, and creating strategies that allow us to strengthen ourselves in order to in turn grow our clients, providing accurate responses of support and operational support along with personalized service and cutting-edge technology.
Our vision
By 2030, Handel Corporation S.A.S will be certified as the best NVOCC freight agent in Latin America and one of the best in the world. Innovation in its services through artificial intelligence and human warmth will achieve this goal.

Why choose us?
At Handel Corporation, we combine global experience, innovative technology, and a commitment to excellence to provide comprehensive logistics solutions. With over 15 years in the industry, we are leaders in importation, exportation, and international trade. From customs to secure deliveries, each stage is designed to exceed expectations and deliver reliable results.
We transform interactions into solid and lasting business relationships.
Write to us and we will solve your doubts.